Course & Software Packages
Sponsoring Groups
Realtor associations, real estate companies and investment real estate networking or marketing groups are encouraged to sponsor CCIPS courses. Sponsorship may be either on a per-course basis or all eight courses as part of a complete CCIPS designation program.

All classes are eight hours in length and offer the opportunity for students to earn eight hours of California DRE-approved continuing education credit. Each student receives a three-ring binder-style workbook with the course outline and exhibits. Additional instruction materials are presented via computer and a projector.

The CCIPS Institute assists course sponsors with a full set of promotional materials, including fliers for each individual course and the entire course series. Depending on class size and location, the instructor will be accompanied by an assistant.

A sponsoring groups need to provide the following:

  • Group of 15 or more students
  • Location to hold class
  • Tables and chairs for each student
  • Movie screen or white wall to project a PowerPoint presentation
  • Coffee for students
  • Optional Continental breakfast and or lunch